Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Age of Imperialism - 635 Words

During the period of 1850 until about 1910 there was an age of Imperialism. Imperialism is the policy of extending a nation’s political and economic dominance or control over another territory or country. Imperialism was important to the political power of many nations for the Eastern and Western. It added wealth, status and increased their military strength. With the strength of their military they are able to maintain their authority all over the world by using their colonies as supply bases and fortifications. Many people in the Western countries believed that their civilization was superior to that of the non-Western peoples. Westerners wanted to bring benefits of their culture to others. They also wanted to teach non-Christians about Christianity. For many Europeans and North Americans, such goals helped to defend imperialism. I am studying imperialism of Great Britain how they took control over China and the United States; how they took control over the Caribbean Islands and Philippines. Prior to their controls, I am studying how their motivations are the similar and differ from one another from their commerce and their government policy. In the early 1800’s, Great Britain had more colonies than any other Western nation. It controlled Canada, part of India, Australia, New Zealand, British Honduras; known to us today as Belize, in Central America, British Guiana; now known as Guyana in South Africa, and other islands in the Caribbean. Much of the eastern half ofShow MoreRelatedImperialism : The Age Of Imperialism1010 Words   |  5 PagesIndira Yuldasheva C band Expansionism Essay The late 19th century and early 20th century is known as the â€Å"Age of Imperialism†, a period in which major world powers, including the United States, adopted a policy of expansionism. 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